
  1. My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. ______, I think I’m happier during the really busy times; no time to think about how bored I am.
  2. __It is the nature of the wise to ____ pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them.
  3. I figure out a good team of dogs, hitched to a light sled, can ________ 1,000 pounds of goods.
  4. In the story, the little girl has a ________ stepmother, who makes her life a misery.
  5. Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced — even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has ________ it.
  6. Nowadays almost all libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to remain within their ______.
  7. You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightly ___ its pressure.
  8. Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario are shared by the United States and Canada, and form part of the ________ between the two countries.
  9. The police are investigating the three men allegedly ________ in organizing and carrying out the bank robbery.
  10. I do not doubt in the least that inflation leads to ________ decline.
  11. A blizzard was ________ great drifts of snow across the lake.
  12. Tim says ________ everybody will be affected by the tax increases, but I’m sure he’s exaggerating.

My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. ==On balance, I think I’m happier during the really busy times==; no time to think about how bored I am.

  • 我的工作在极其乏味和烦人的忙碌之间变化。==总的来说,我认为在非常忙碌的时候更开心==;没有时间去想我有多无聊。

It is the nature of the wise to ==resist pleasures==, but the foolish to be a slave to them.

  • 智者的本性是==抵制享乐==,而愚者则成为享乐的奴隶。

I figure out a good team of dogs, hitched to a light sled, ==can haul 1,000 pounds of goods==.

  • 我算了一下,一队好的狗,拉着一辆轻便的雪橇,==可以搬运1,000磅的货物==。

In the story, the little girl has ==a wicked stepmother==, who makes her life a misery.

  • 在这个故事中,小女孩有==一个邪恶的继母==,她让小女孩的生活充满了痛苦。

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced — even a proverb is no proverb to you ==till your life has illustrated it==.

  • 任何东西只有经历过才会变得真实——即使是谚语,==在你的生活证明它之前==,对你来说也不是谚语。

Nowadays almost all libraries are finding it increasingly ==difficult to remain within their budget==.

  • 如今几乎所有的图书馆都发现越来越==难以维持在预算之内==。

You can increase a tyre’s grip in winter by slightly ==lowering its pressure==.

  • 你可以通过稍微==降低轮胎的压力==来增加冬天的抓地力。

Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario are shared by the United States and Canada, and form part of ==the boundary between the two countries==.

  • 苏必利尔湖、休伦湖、伊利湖和安大略湖是由美国和加拿大共同拥有的,形成了==两国之间的一部分边界==。

The police are investigating the three men allegedly ==involved in organizing and carrying out the bank robbery==.

  • 警方正在调查==涉嫌参与组织和实施银行抢劫==的三名男子。

I do not doubt in the least that inflation ==leads to economic decline==.

  • 我毫不怀疑通货膨胀会==导致经济衰退==。

==A blizzard was blasting== great drifts of snow across the lake.

  • ==暴风雪猛烈地着==大量的雪到湖面上。

Tim says ==just about everybody== will be affected by the tax increases, but I’m sure he’s exaggerating.

  • Tim 说==几乎每个人==都会受到增税的影响,但我确信他在夸大其词。

  1. According to some scientists, global warming ______ the survival of the whole human race.

  2. The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small (19%), and exceeded the number of overseas visitors (16%) ______.

  3. The early Spaniards established a chain of missions(传教团) to ______ the local population along the San Antonio River.

  4. It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply ______.

  5. As they didn’t have relatives or friends there they often ______ around nearby malls when they got bored.

  6. To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, ______ them onto a piece of card and then write your message inside.

  7. She picked up the receiver and, ______ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.

  8. To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and ______.

  9. The new product has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which you can easily ______ your computer’s sound card.

  10. Music in fact is a ______ language of a non-verbal nature which is rich in expression.

  11. This ______ is designed to show at a glance how many rooms have been rented out and how many are still available.

  12. ______ glorious sunshine, the boundless stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight.

  13. According to some scientists, ==global warming threatens== the survival of the whole human race.

    • 根据一些科学家的说法,==全球变暖威胁==着整个人类的生存。
  14. The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small (19%), and ==exceeded the number of overseas visitors (16%) by a small margin==.

    • 事实上,不包括爱丁堡地区在内的苏格兰部分地区的游客数量相对较少(19%),并且==小幅度高于海外游客数量(16%)==。
  15. The early Spaniards established a chain of missions (传教团) to ==civilize the local population== along the San Antonio River.

    • 早期的西班牙人建立了一系列传教团来==开化圣安东尼奥河沿岸的当地居民==。
  16. It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they ==simply closed up==.

    • 当时的惯例是,当店主想去度假时,他们就==直接关门==。
  17. As they didn’t have relatives or friends there ==they often wandered around nearby malls when they got bored==.

    • 由于他们在那里没有亲戚或朋友,==他们无聊时经常在附近的购物中心闲逛==。
  18. To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, ==paste them onto a piece of card== and then write your message inside.

    • 要制作生日卡,你可以简单地从杂志上剪下一些有趣或漂亮的照片,==粘贴到一张卡片上==,然后在里面写下你的信息。
  19. She picked up the receiver and, ==without so much as asking the caller to hold on==, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.

    • 她拿起听筒,==甚至没有让打电话的人等一下==,就走了,告诉杰克有人在打电话。
  20. To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and ==stretched both arms upwards and sideways==.

    • 为了放松一下,他从电脑桌上站起来,穿过房间走向窗户,==向上和侧面伸展双臂==。
  21. The new product has a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which ==you can easily hook up to your computer’s sound card==.

    • 新产品内部安装了一对小型扬声器,==您可以轻松地将其连接到计算机的声卡上==。
  22. ==Music in fact is a universal language== of a non-verbal nature which is rich in expression.

    • 事实上,==音乐是一种通用语言==,具有非语言性质,表达丰富。
  23. ==This chart is designed to show at a glance== how many rooms have been rented out and how many are still available.

    • ==这个图表旨在一目了然地显示==有多少房间已经出租,还有多少房间可用。
  24. ==Bathed in glorious sunshine==, the boundless (无边无际的) stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight.

    • ==沐浴在灿烂的阳光下==,一望无际的玉米地令人印象深刻。

  1. The cook put the meat on a plate, ______ it with salt and pepper, wrapped up the plate in aluminum foil and then placed it in the oven to roast.

  2. Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thoughts we communicate to ourselves, ______ control the way we feel and act.

  3. John made everyone laugh when he got the words ______ and referred to himself as “my husband’s wife.”

  4. You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps never be able to ______ you.

  5. Because the Earth is a sphere, sailors ______ only can view other ships to a distance of about 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.

  6. Johnson dismissed ______ ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.

  7. One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the ______ be true or false.

  8. Susan told me numerous times how her sister ______ children.

  9. I don’t know what my roommate is up to because he does everything ______, either when I am away or when I am asleep.

  10. For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels that can be loaded and ______ in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.

  11. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; ______, and you weep alone.

  12. A national debate is now ______ about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.

  13. The cook put the meat on a plate, ==sprinkled it with salt and pepper==, wrapped up the plate in aluminum foil and then placed it in the oven to roast.

    • 厨师把肉放在盘子里,==撒上盐和胡椒==,用铝箔把盘子包起来,然后放进烤箱烤。
  14. Every waking moment we talk to ourselves about the things we experience. Our self-talk, the thoughts we communicate to ourselves, ==in turn control the way we feel and act==.

    • 每一个醒着的时刻,我们都在和自己谈论我们所经历的事情。我们的自言自语,我们与自己交流的想法,==反过来控制着我们的感受和行动方式==。
  15. John made everyone laugh when he ==got the words reversed== and referred to himself as “my husband’s wife.”

    • 当约翰==把单词颠倒过来==并称自己为“我丈夫的妻子”时,所有人都笑了
  16. You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will perhaps ==never be able to repay you==.

    • 如果不为一个可能==永远无法报答你==的人做点什么,你就无法度过完美的一天。
  17. Because the Earth is a sphere, ==sailors at sea== only can view other ships to a distance of about 13 miles before those ships seem to disappear into the horizon.

    • 因为地球是一个球体,所以==海上的水手==只能在大约13英里的距离内看到其他船只,然后这些船只才会消失在地平线上。
  18. Johnson dismissed ==traditional ideas== lightly as no good on several occasions.

    • 约翰逊在好几次场合都轻描淡写地驳斥了==传统的思想==,认为这是不好的。
  19. One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, ==whether the statement be true or false==.

    • 一个人往往会经常相信自己重复的任何话,==无论这种说法是真是假==。
  20. Susan told me numerous times ==how her sister longed for children==.

    • 苏珊多次告诉我==她姐姐是多么渴望孩子==。
  21. I don’t know what my roommate is up to ==because he does everything in secret==, either when I am away or when I am asleep.

    • 我不知道我的室友在干什么,==因为他做任何事情都是秘密的==,无论是在我不在的时候还是在我睡觉的时候。
  22. For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vessels that ==can be loaded and unloaded== in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.

    • 出于经济原因,造船商设计的船只可以在最短的时间内用最少的劳动力==装载和卸载==。
  23. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; ==weep, and you weep alone==.

    • 笑,全世界都和你一起笑;==哭泣,你独自哭泣==。
  24. ==A national debate is now under way== about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural resources.

    • 关于我们作为一个社会应该如何保护我们的自然资源,==一场全国性的辩论正在进行==。

Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer, but he ____ without too much trouble.

Not that he has had it easy.

That first hard winter he faced must have left him with the ____ to give up and go back to the city.

But he managed to ____ ____ it without losing heart.

He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and made some real ____ to his farm, though without much laborsaving machinery, ____ ____ that old rotary cultivator.

I ____ he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to ____ what little ____ he makes from the farm.

I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life.

Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, the next ____ firewood.

Jim Doherty may not be a born farmer, ==but he gets by without too much trouble==.

  • 吉姆·多尔蒂可能不是一个天生的农民,==但他过得不是很糟糕==。

Not that he has had it easy.

  • 并不是说他过得很轻松。

That first hard winter he faced must ==have left him with the temptation to give up and go back to the city==.

  • 他面临的第一个严冬一定让他==有了放弃并回到城市的诱惑==。

But he ==managed to get through it== without losing heart.

  • 但他==成功地度过了难关==,没有灰心。

He’s picked up a lot of skills since then and ==made some real improvements to his farm==, though without much laborsaving machinery, ==aside from that old rotary cultivator==.

  • 从那以后,他掌握了很多技能,==并对自己的农场进行了一些真正的改进==,尽管==除了那台旧的旋耕机之外==,他没有多少节省劳动力的机器。

I suspect he doesn’t make all that much, though he does have his writing to supplement what little profit he makes from the farm.

  • 怀疑他赚的并不多,尽管他确实有自己的写作来补充他从农场赚的微薄利润

I guess he does it primarily for the quality of life.

  • 我想他这么做主要是为了生活质量。

Certainly, they seem a happy family and you can often see them out working together, one day spraying apple trees, ==the next stacking firewood==.

  • 当然,他们看起来是一个幸福的家庭,你经常可以看到他们一起工作,前一天喷苹果树,==下一天柴火==。

_________ show that crime in _________ areas is now rising faster than in the cities.

The _________ when the countryside _________ safety and security has long gone.

No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door _________.

We all feel _________ and seek to strengthen the _________ we use to hold criminals at bay.

These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest _________ devices.

A moment’s _________, however, is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle: we may have locked the evils out, but in doing so we have locked ourselves in.

This hardly seems a _________ way of life.

Statistics show that crime in rural areas is now rising faster than in the cities.

  • 统计数据显示,现在农村地区的犯罪率上升速度快于城市。

The era when the countryside stood for safety and security has long gone.

  • 农村代表安全保障的时代早已过去。

No longer is it safe anywhere to go out leaving the door on the latch.

  • 把门锁上再也不安全了。

We all feel vulnerable and seek to strengthen the barriers we use to hold criminals at bay.

  • 我们都感到脆弱,并寻求加强我们用来遏制罪犯的障碍。

These can range from old fashioned bolts and bars to the latest electronic devices.

  • 这些可以从老式的螺栓和杆到最新的电子设备。

A moment’s reflection, however, is enough to bring us face to face with the following puzzle: we may have locked the evils out, but in doing so we have locked ourselves in.

  • 然而,片刻的反思足以让我们面对以下难题:我们可能已经把邪恶锁在了外面,但在这样做的过程中,我们把自己锁在了里面。

This hardly seems a civilized way of life.

  • 这似乎不是一种文明的生活方式。

Alex Haley was at sea (1) when he started thinking how best he could mark Thanksgiving. Turning over (2) the meaning of the holiday in his mind, he came to reverse (3) the order of the words and got to (4) thinking about giving thanks. How, he wondered, could he repay (5) those who had been so helpful to him in the past? It seemed to him that the best way he could express his gratitude (6) would be to write to them. For too long he had gone about without troubling to tell them how much he appreciated all that they had done for him. Before long he had assembled (7) pen and paper and was immersed in (8) writing. Not long after the ship reached port, people started unloading (9) its cargo together with his letters. The replies were not swift (10) in arriving, but when they did, he found them deeply moving.